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Sidewalk Hazard Program 2022

The City will continue with the sidewalk hazard program this year for the NE quadrant. For the past three years the City has been identifying the sidewalk hazards in quadrants, this quadrant will finish the work for this time around. Safe-Step, located out of Hortonville, WI. will be the company that will be identifying the hazards.

They will be surveying hazards and putting blue numbers on the sidewalk in the NE quadrant of the City.

Before Image 

When Safe-Step comes through this is what it will look like if they have to do a sawcut. A sawcut is when they have to cut a small piece of the sidewalk out and have to just replace a small amount. 

Before Image 

This is what the sidewalk will look like if they have to replace the whole square of the sidewalk.

View Announcement City Council approves new ward maps

At the City Council meeting on November 9th the City Council approved the second reading of ordinance 21OR005 which establishes the new wards following the 2020 census for the City of Viroqua.  The ordinance below explains the new ward boundaries along with the map.  The new wards will be in affect for the 2022 elections and going forward.

Ordinance 21OR005 – Establishing City Wards based on 2020 census

Wards 36X48

View Announcement Friendly Neighborhood Reminder from City Council

Friendly Neighborhood Reminder from the Viroqua City Council


VIROQUA Wis., August 26, 2020


Please take some time during the next week to create neighbor-friendly sidewalks and boulevards in Viroqua by keeping the following in mind:

  • Please water the young trees on your boulevard.
  • Aside from grass, trees and mailboxes, only flowers and other non-woody plants are permitted in the boulevard space between the sidewalk and the street.
  • Plants on the boulevard may not exceed 30″ in height.
  • The full width of the sidewalk and street must be kept clear of all plant vegetation.
  • Tree and shrub branches must be pruned to allow comfortable clearance for all residents, including the tall ones, to walk upright without ducking to avoid having an eye poked out.


For more detailed information, please contact the Viroqua City Hall at (608) 637-3251 and request “City Ordinance 12.12: Obstructing Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Public Walkways,” or go online to the City of Viroqua website.


Thank you for your cooperation!

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